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LGBTQ Resources

Everyone needs a little help in life. Here are some trusted LGBTQIA+ resources we think may be useful if you are feeling lost or looking to connect

*Links to these pages will open in a separate window

Mermaids UK (One of the leading charities supporting gender diverse kids, youth, and families)

The LGBT Youth Center

It Gets Better 

The Trevor Project (“The leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning youth.”)

Identity House: (Peer Counseling, Group Support and more)

GAPIMNY (Gay Asian and Pacific Islander Men of New York)

Geeks Out NYC (Promoting the queer geek community in NYC)

Equaldex (The Collaborative LGBTQ Rights Knowledge Base)

The Dari Project (An organization dedicated to the support of LGBTQ people of Korean Descent)

APICHA (Affordable LGBT healthcare for underserved people of NYC)

Flame Con (NYC's premiere lgbt comic con)