Upright T-Rex, created by Nashville / NYC based artists Ross Wariner and Cody Uhler, created a unique score with a 12 piece orchestra for Arrival

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Music Studio Upright T-Rex, created by Nashville / NYC based artists Ross Wariner and Cody Uhler, composed a unique score with a 12-piece orchestra for Arrival.

Arrival is free of dialogue; the score and sound design are key components in expressing the tone of the film. Over the course of a year, Director Alex Myung and Producer Amy Benaroya worked closely with Upright T-Rex to create an eclectic score that spanned many distinct moods throughout the film.

By having principal animation occur at the same time as the composition of the score, the development of the music often led to the creation or substantial lengthening of many scenes, to meld seamlessly with the original themes being written. 

In December 2014, the Arrival team had the privilege of traveling to Nashville, TN, for the live recording session of 13 original songs at the famous recording studio The Tracking Room.